What Are Your Credentials?

Throughout time, man has viewed themselves higher than they should. As man’s knowledge increases, the temptation to be high minded increases as well. “Knowledge puffeth up…” 1 Cor. 8:1

However, man also values people that have the most credentials. What they say is more valued. That makes sense, to our logical minds, wouldn’t you say?

Yet, when someone that does not have a degree in theology or some other Christian/Bible degree, people often look down their noses because they are not intellectual enough to be speaking on the topic. That may be true in a worldly sense, such as a medical doctor should know things in the medical field moreso than a computer programmer. However, in the spiritual matters, having more worldly knowledge, I am convinced, is sometimes a hindrance because they use their own logic and reasoning about everything. How many times did the scribes get called out by Jesus Christ? How many times did the sadducees and pharisees, who know the law and were highly educated, call out Jesus Christ and try to trap Him about what He said or did? I recently heard a “Dr.” (non-medical) on Youtube question a preacher that “doesn’t even have a four-year, like, Bible college education” as if they were not qualified to preach the word of God. When did the calling to preach depend if you have a college degree? Going to a good Christian school can be very helpful as long as that school is not more of a hindrance than getting you closer to God.

Some may question me and ask if I am credentialed in speaking/preaching the things of God? No, not by my education. I do not have a Bible degree. I am a terrible speller, I talk too fast, and I cannot pronounce strange spelled words a lot of the times. However, I have 3 degrees but I can assure you that my education doesn’t make me credentialed or smarter than anyone else. In fact, I am willing to say that having more education has been a hindrance to my Christian growth because I would “overthink” everything. Lots of times I would not walk by faith but by sight which is completely opposite of how I should be living (2 Cor 5:7). As far as my professional growth, education has been good for me but real-world experience is by far a better method for doing what I do. What the world views as someone credentialed is not how God views people. Lots of times God confounds the wise with the foolish things in life. It keeps mankind humbled. And I’m glad for that else we would all be high-minded individuals thinking we are something.

Just because someone is not a “Dr.” of [whatever] does not mean they are not called by God to preach. There is a reason that God puts in the word of God things like “….and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.” (Romans 16:18). It’s because people are often persuaded by “smooth” talk. And lots of times the more educated one becomes, the more they think they are smart. I recently saw Youtube ad that had a professor talking about evolution and questioning the Bible asking in a skeptic smirk as why God would make a serpent go upon their belly after the fall of mankind because that is what the serpent already does? Perhaps this “professor” does not know if that serpent always crawled. He is using his own world wisdom. What makes logical sense to him. But Christians know that there are example after example of God doing what is not logical in our minds. Lots of scholarly and highly educated people are exactly what Romans 1:22 says, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

The wise in the world’s eyes are confounded by what is considered foolish things in this world. For example, the world thinks street preachers are not fruitful, but maybe God thinks otherwise. Did you know that it pleases God with the “foolishness of preaching”? Perhaps they should read that in the Bible before they go casting doubt about street preachers fruitfulness. I am a grace of God preacher/speaker, I point you to Christ, not spout out why you need to stop sinning. I don’t focus on what you do, rather on what Christ has done for you. Most people know they fall short, why would I concentrate telling them what they are doing is wrong. Why would I cast the first stone when I am without sin? I wouldn’t. I still sin (and a lot), but I will keep pressing forward and pointing others to Christ, the same place I need to be looking. I want to point them to Jesus Christ who died for our sins. Correctly dividing the word of truth is vital in how we are to be saved and it will help us from going into error.

What may seem foolish to this world may be used mightily by God and God makes foolish what mankind thinks is wisdom. “….hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Cor. 1:21)

The next time someone speaks/preaches don’t look to if that person is “smart” enough rather if that person is called of God. One way to know is what they teach/preach lines up with rightly dividing the word of truth. If Christ is preached, then the “…power of God, and the wisdom of God” can be known.

To God be the glory.

Take care,



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