The Falling Away – Prelude

Watering Down The Word of God

Part I


Wouldn’t you be sorely disappointed if you found out that we don’t have a perfect and preserved word of God for us today?

Wouldn’t that make you have doubts about what is really the truth?

How would you know the truth?

If the above questions causes you to doubt, then that is exactly why there is an issue over modern day bible translations. Because, that is what this movement does, causes you to doubt, seek “other” versions that “are” better.

In regards to the opening question above, rest assured, we do have the word of God, without error and preserved for us today.

The bible says His sheep hear His voice, correct? How do we hear His voice? We hear His voice through the word of God. If we followed what modern day church pastors say and say we don’t have a preserved word of God, then how do we know we hear His voice? What makes you certain when God speaks if we don’t even have a bible that is correct?

You following your heart? The same heart that God describes as “…deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” – Jeremiah 17:9

These are thoughts and questions to ponder as you journey with me down this issue in the next part of the The Falling Away Part I Watering Down The Word of God.

This section got so big I broke it out into parts, the first part is an introduction to Watering Down The Word of God and the following post will be the lineage of the word of God. That will be in the next post.

Part of the reason there is going to be a falling away first before the day of Christ is because people build up the Christian life to be an experience to be had. We are always looking to be entertained, encouraged, what is in it for ME. And when we don’t get those things we question if it is worth serving the Lord. Then we hear great music and it peaks our interest again to serve the Lord. Then after a while when the “newness” of hearing good music wears off, we need something else to keep us going. We need to see miracles. We need to see healing. We need to hear a good preacher. The list goes on and on and on.

But what we are missing is the most important part. We just need the word of God and we need to read it everyday. The modern day church has it backwards. They place attractions first and sprinkle in the word of God. They try to attract using gimmicks hoping people will stick when in reality all those attractions are just magnifying where people’s hearts really are. And it’s not seeking after the Lord, but rather what is in it for them. What should happen is we should preach the word so that their hearts can be changed to receive. What we have are people going to church for a show…and when the pastor gets “rough” and actually preaches a message that is hard, they get offended because they attract with fluff and it doesn’t work.

The Christian life and serving the Lord should really just be something we just do on a daily basis. And most times it will “look” like there is no excitement. But in reality, a quiet peaceful life serving and honoring the Lord is what we should strive for. The peace, contentment, assurance, boldness that comes with being in the word of God is ALL we need to serve the Lord. Then once we are in the word of God, it will then be up to you to yield to His calling.

But the problem is people are too self absorbed and look for the shiny objects thinking that is the move of God. The move of God usually doesn’t happen that way. “And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-12

A still small voice was where the Lord was.

It is in quietness that we are to be still and know God. Our service for the Lord should just be something we do day in day out without much of a hoopla. Sorry, but it might appear boring. But I can assure you that this boring comes with a peace that passeth all understanding. And I would take this above all the fluff that is presented from the modern day churches today.

The main reason that people in the church are dazed and confused about things and could fall away are because pastors/teachers/preachers have watered down the word of God.

These pastors have made it well-known that it doesn’t matter what version of the bible you read, it doesn’t matter they are always saying. This has lead to people, really not their fault, to not place an importance on the word of God.

They don’t view the word of God as the most important aspect in the Christian life. Why should then when their pastors tell them we don’t have a preserved word of God for us today. How do you expect your people to read the word of God when there is no authoritative bible. How do you know which is right? They think, well, the pastor says it doesn’t matter, then, it doesn’t matter, right? Pastors, you should be ashamed of yourselves. These pastors really don’t have any leg to stand on when they get upset at their people for not growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ when you are part of that problem.

Proclaim the word of God is the word of God. Not that the bibles “contain the gist of the idea what God wanted us to know.” But that the word of God is PRESERVED and it is the WORD OF GOD in the KJB.

If you can’t answer that a certain bible is the preserved word of God, then WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD? What are we to trust? How do we KNOW it is God who is speaking? How do we compare what we think with? Because according to modern day pastors, there is NO perfect bible.


Pastor, is your God that small that He didn’t preserve the word He would have for us today?

And similar to what God told Moses to say to Pharaoh and that was to “…Let my people go…”


Tell them there IS the word of God for us today!

I hope that each person reading this message will search out why this topic is vital for our lives. It is important to know that what you’ve been taught might have been wrong. The modern day churches have done a real good job of confusing it’s members by pushing every known version of the bible they can. They proclaim that it doesn’t matter, that as long as “you read it, study it, and obey it, it really doesn’t matter.” I don’t want to accuse you of being dense, but do you REALLY think any version of the bible is OK? Have you actually read what is considered the bible in some translations? Do you really think that it doesn’t matter which one to use? That it is not at all possible we have been duped? Really?

Would you hold your bible version you read in high regard if it came from a garbage can? If you knew that what you read were translated on what was found in a trash can, would you hold that version in high regard?

Would you continue to read it?

Buckle up, because you will soon find out that you could very possibly be reading from a version of the bible that came from manuscripts that were pulled out from a LITERAL TRASH CAN to be used to translate because they thought they were the best because they were “older.” There is a video in the next post (25 minutes) that talks about the garbage can (stay tuned for that).

Or would you continue to read a version of the bible that was collated with thousands of manuscripts from a lineage that made sure it was translated and preserved correctly by actual Christians and not from a lineage that has actual known heretics changing the wording or leaving out words?

I hope you would choose the second. And I will show you with actual facts that the KJB came about in one method and ALL the modern bibles came from another lineage that has tricked masses into believing this is the correct way.

This is why the lineage of the manuscripts is VITAL. Modern day pastors deceitfully say the KJV bible is the 66th version that has had over 100,000 revisions to make it sound like it just like the new modern day bible translations with all their revisions.

At face value one would think, hmmm, the KJB has a lot of revisions it seems. But what they don’t go on to tell you is the lineage that the KJB came from. See how deceitful that is when they try to say the KJB is “just” a version, 66th version, with revisions over 100,000. Yes. It is a version. But here is the MAIN point, it is in the correct lineage and it is the word of God for us today.

This post is not about the number of revisions but about the LINEAGE that the bibles are from.

My point of emphasis in this part of the series is to show you why it’s the lineage of how it came about and why it is important that we honor this bible.

If nothing else, I ask you to ask yourself, Why does ALL modern bible versions come from one lineage and the KJB come from another? Do you think the KJB is wrong? Does all the fruit that can be attributed to KJB throughout the centuries with some of the most moving revivals this world has ever seen not count for something?

Or is that the very reason that the KJB has been pushed aside by the modern day churches because it did produce that fruit and there was power in preaching from it. How else would you explain why ALL modern bibles come from the opposite side of the lineage.

Maybe they are really against the KJB. Instead of out right saying the KJB is not to be used. The modern day churches/pastors say, “…it is a good translation…but not the best” or “…I read from the KJB but prefer [whatever] other version….” They can’t say it’s just bad out right, can they? That would be too obvious.

Modern day church pastors think that KJB people cause divisions. And they say KJB people say, that God won’t love you if you don’t read from a KJB. That someone can’t be saved from any other version. NONE of that is true. We focus on it because it is from the CORRECT lineage and it IS the word of God for us today. And it does not need to be changed or updated. As it was once said, “stop re-writing it and start re-reading it.” They say we focus too much on the KJB. My response is have you ever thought that you NOT focusing on this issue is why the modern day churches are falling away?

Are we, the church, closer to God now or are people more confused today more than they have been in years?

Why is that? Could it possibility be our further decline to not honor the word of God and how it was preserved?

If we don’t focus on defending the word of God, the word of God with the corrupted future versions continue to confuse and cause people to not grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s been said by modern day church pastor, that if ever bible was gone does His word still remain? That is strawman argument 101, because we live in this AGE and we do have the word of God for us now. This is not about hypotheticals. This is about reality. What is now. And that we do have the word of God for us today!

Through intellect and smooth talking pastors, the scholarship movement of this textual criticism has convinced multitudes that it doesn’t matter which bible to use. When in reality, it does and I’ll show you in the next post.

Just as the bible makes it a point to make known the lineage of Jesus Christ, especially in Revelation 5:5, when it specifically mentions that Jesus Christ, the Root of David. Why is that important? Because the only person worthy to not only open the book, but to look on the book had to be the proper person and from the right lineage.

That was the Lord Jesus Christ.


Take care,