Once Saved Always Saved?

Them: “So, you believe you can do as you please and still be saved?”

Me: Yes.

Them: “You believe in a license to sin?”

Me: No. I don’t believe in a license to sin.

Them: “But you said that you can do anything you want and still be saved. So, you must believe in a license to sin.”

Me: No. I don’t believe in a license to sin. But, whatever I do, I am still saved.

Them: “But…but…you say….”

Me: I believe that Jesus Christ paid for my sins (past, present, future).

Me: Why did Jesus Christ die on the cross?

Them: “So that we can be saved.”

Me: Saved from what?

Them: “Saved from hell and our sins.”

Me: Do you believe in once saved always saved?

Them: “Absolutely not! It’s a doctrine from devils.”

Me: You believe Jesus Christ died for your sins but you don’t believe it is enough?

Them: “No….no..no….I believe Jesus Christ died for my sins…..but, but….hmmmmm…..I just don’t believe I can do what I want and still be saved.”

Me: Do you believe Jesus Christ payment on the cross was enough?

Them: “Yes. Of course! But we can’t sin as we please.”

Me: Are you saying that Jesus Christ death on the cross plus you not sinning is required to keep you saved?

Them: “Huh…no….I’m saying…..we can lose our salvation if we sin.”

Me: So Jesus Christ payment for sin wasn’t enough, then?

Them: “Yes…Yes, it was enough….we are just to remain faithful to Him.”

Me: So Jesus Christ plus your works equals salvation?

Them: “No….Jesus Christ is enough.”

Me: Ok, so you believe you can lose your salvation?

Them: “Yes, if I willingly sin.”

Me: Are you are Christian?

Them: “Yes!”

Me: Have you ever lost your salvation?

Them: “No, I haven’t but it can be lost.”

Me: How convenient you haven’t ever lost your salvation! You must be a super Christian that doesn’t sin willingly. What is your secret?

Them: “……..I need to go….”

Most people that believe you can lose your salvation (and there are MANY that do), it is funny THEY have never lost THEIR salvation. How interesting.

In the age of the grace of God, if you don’t believe in once saved always saved, you are adding works to the salvation of Jesus Christ.

What people do when discussing this topic is they are turning everything into hypotheticals, which is really turning it into about our performance of whether we are justified by God through our works or by Jesus Christ.

Are you afraid of the sustaining power of God through grace?

Once saved. Always saved.

Be thankful for that.

I am a defender of the grace of God.

God’s grace is something we didn’t deserve but He gave us anyway.

Stop trying to throw it away with your “works.”

What is funny is that people get mad when talking about the grace of God.

What they are really mad at is their own pride.

The pride inside of them that says they “must” do [fill in the blank] to stay saved.

They can’t stand thinking that they have NO part of staying saved.

No. It is the grace of God we are saved and it is the power of God we are kept (1 Peter 1:5)!

Take care,