I Never Knew You

As a proclaimer/preacher of the word of God, the title of this post is probably the most terrifying words that I could hear coming from Jesus Christ. These words are found in Matthew 7:23, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” It is because of these verses in the bible that I am so adamant and careful about what I say, because if I say one thing and someone else says another about where and how the salvation of the Lord is found, someone is wrong.

Lots of people use Matthew 7, especially 16 through 23, as accusation against people in general about how much fruit they are producing (or not producing). However, if you read verse 15 in Matthew 7, you can see that the main warning is to “Beware of false prophets….”

Have you ever heard the saying, “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck” at some point in life?

Probably so. However, is that so when dealing with people (including me) that preach/teach God’s word or the teachings of the bible.

Just because they (me) looks like they are preaching/teaching the correct thing, does that mean they (me) are right?

How can you believe what someone says? How does one know what or who is right? Do you go by how you feel? By your experiences?

One way to know the truth is by reading the word of God for yourself. But probably even more important is to rightly divide the word of truth. In 2 Timothy 2:15 the word says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Side note, the word “Study” is taken out of many “new” versions of the bible. Why, because they don’t won’t you to study to know the truth.

Why is it important that one not only read the right word of God but to rightly divide the word of truth? Because people err from the truth and by them doing so they “overthrow the faith of some.” (2 Timothy 2:18)

Sound doctrine matters. The lack of sound doctrine is the reason lots of Churches are the way they are. There is a reason people are easily influenced, it’s because they are swayed by feelings, experiences, emotions and lots of those are activated by music. If you don’t think music is probably the most influential means to provoke a response then you need to check out Ezekiel 28:14. Satan was/is a master of music. He knows how it works and uses it lots in the churches today. If you have music playing in the background during your services, it is the music that provokes responses. If you can’t get the same responses without music, it was, indeed, the music that was the influence. And I am not talking about praising the Lord during worship service. I’m talking about while someone is teaching/preaching/etc.

I’ve said in previous posts to question everything I post and to read/study out what is wrote in the bible. In 2 Cor., the people were warned of false apostles, which are referenced to deceitful workers that transformed themselves into the apostles of Christ. Then Paul states to not marvel because Satan himself “transformed into an angel of light.” That part probably doesn’t surprise anyone, but the next verse after might. It says, “Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”

Did you notice that, it is not unusual for Satan’s ministers to appear as ministers (preachers/teachers/etc.) of righteousness. Doesn’t that concern you about who you listen to? Yes, I hope you are concerned listening/reading to what I am saying. You need to be cautious about me, what it is I’m preaching. You should check it out in the word of God and see if it lines up. Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of God. That’s why it is vital to have the correct bible. And to rightly divide the word of truth.

But notice the last few words of 2 Cor. 11:15, “….whose end shall be according to their works.” Now jump back to our previous reference to Matthew 7:21-23. We have already established that this chapter in Matthew is addressing to be aware of false prophets. But look at what Matthew 7:22 says as these false prophets try to reason with Jesus Christ. They say, “….have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?”

Did you catch the last one, “…in thy name done many wonderful works?”

Jesus Christ says that many will say those things but they were/are not saved because He says in verse 23, “And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

That’s kind of frightening don’t you think?

But who are these false preachers?

If we jump back over to 2 Cor. 11:15 and pull out the last few words of that verse that describes Satan’s ministers that are transformed into preachers/teachers/etc of righteousness….which are the words, “…whose end shall be according to their works.”

“…whose end shall be according to their works” and the last words in Matthew 7:22, “…and in thy name done many wonderful works” are very relatable towards each other.

What is the common occurrence in both these references?


These false preachers can be discerned by their over emphasis of works in the name of the Lord. According to scriptures, they say the right things, they appear to act the right way, they cast out devils in thy name, they appear to do the right things all for righteousness sake.

But, their end is according to their works.

They may look like a duck, they may sound like a duck, and they my swim like a duck, but they may not be a duck.

I focus A LOT about establishing salvation by the grace of God first here on Facebook. Why? Because, one has to be saved first before they can understand/discern spiritual matters.

Sadly most people in churches today jump to the experiences, the way they feel, emotions, doing good works in the name of the Lord, and dare I say, them experiencing healing before they ever even establish they are saved.

They seem to skip the salvation part. Why is that? They skip because they think those other things are “evidences” of their salvation. They think because they experience those then surely they are saved. No. That’s not how salvation happens. Salvation is from God through His Son Jesus Christ and we must believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I know. It sounds “too” easy. Well, it is. But that is what causes most to not get saved. They are not trusting on Jesus Christ. They are trusting their experiences, emotions, feelings, and their works as their “evidences” of salvation.

If you have good feelings, experiences, and healing, that is great. But salvation is the most important part.

And what happens is people are not taught to rightly divide the word of truth. They are told in the majority of churches these days, read what ever version you want, it doesn’t matter. Really? Let’s do an example here:

Me: sir, lets go to Matthew 18:11 in the KJB and read that verse.

Person reading: Ok, let me look it up.

Person reading: Matthew 18:11 in the KJB reads, “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.”

Me: sir, lets go to Matthew 18:11 in the NIV and read that verse.

Person reading: Ok, let me look it up.

Person reading: [Sounds of bible pages flipping]…..[looking intently for Matthew 18:11]

3 hours later……

[Sounds of bible pages flipping]…..[looking intently for Matthew 18:11]

10 hours later……

[Sounds of bible pages flipping]…..[looking intently for Matthew 18:11]

24 hours later……

[Sounds of bible pages flipping]…..[looking intently for Matthew 18:11]

Person reading: I can’t find it. It is not there.

Me: Really? Isn’t that interesting?

Notice how the NIV goes from 18:10 straight to 18:12..skipping verse 11…Why? Deceivers, is why.

That is just one example of many ways people are deceived.

The above example is just one example of why error is rampant these days. Preachers/pastors/teachers/etc. say the “right” version of the bible is the one you read, understand, and obey.

I guess it is easier to read, understand, and “obey” when the verse is not even there.

That is no different than what 2 Timothy 2:18 says concerning the truth have erred. The truth is replaced with feelings, experiences, emotions, [THEIR WORKS all in the name of the Lord].

I am adamant that one is saved first before establishing anything else, because in the end it won’t matter if you don’t get saved.

If you are not saved, know this, you are a sinner, you are in need of a Saviour. Read 1 Cor. 15:1-4, which is the gospel of Jesus Christ. And that is that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose the third day for your sin payment. Believe/receive on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. It is Jesus Christ work, not your works you have done that you are saved.

After you get saved it is vital for growth that you read the word of God (KJB).

Why is the word of God so important?

Because “…faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Take care,



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