Warning – Truth Preaching https://truthpreaching.com “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Tue, 07 May 2024 15:57:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 214906537 The Falling Away – Part I https://truthpreaching.com/the-falling-away-part-i/ Tue, 07 May 2024 15:23:31 +0000 https://truthpreaching.com/?p=95 Part I

Watering Down The Word Of God: The methods of how the Bibles arrived

The word of God has been magnified above the Lord’s name. See Psalm 138:2.

“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

Ask yourself, if God has magnified His word above His name do you think God would preserve His word?

Defending the word of God is important. I hope that I can show you why it matters. And that there is, indeed, a continue attack on the word of God and it’s authority.

For centuries the KJB was used and some of the greatest revivals were happening. The fruit that is from KJB is undeniable. In fact, if you go back 35 years, most people didn’t even know about other versions to use because the KJB was the one used. It wasn’t an issue. Now, ask yourself if you think the church, as a whole, is in better shape today than 35 years ago?

I would say no, the modern day church is what 2 Timothy 3:5 describes as “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

There are multitudes that “look” to have a “form of godliness.” But it’s not.

What has happened? Why have the revivals that happened in times past not happening now? Has the church started falling away?

Yes. It has. And it’s because the word of God is not honored like it once was.

Having a stance to being KJB only is not just for argument sake. It is to help show how the modern day church is “falling away” and by watering down the word of God is only a portion of what is happening with the modern day churches. The music is the other huge part of this equation. The music “covers” up the version of the bible issue, because we CANNOT be without our music. Everyone can agree on music, right? Which outside of the word of God, music is the MOST powerful thing to man. And music is ALWAYS associated with worshipping in the bible, both to God and to other gods, which I will address in the next post.

Below are two methods of how the bibles we get come from for today. Only one bible is from the first way and ALL the rest are from the other. I’ll let you make your own conclusion on why that is that way.

The first method:

Preserved Lineage/collection of Scriptures (the King James Bible comes from this)
The Masoretic Text
The Old Testament preserved primarily in the Masoretic, or Aramaic
traditional Hebrew text (300 B.C.)
Peter, Paul, James, John, and their New Testament writings. Textus
Receptus AKA Majority Text or Byzantine text from Antioch Christians(30 to 90 AD)
Koine, or papyrus sheets, or original MS
The Syrian MS of Asia Minor (100 to 200 AD)
The old Latin and Old Syriac of the Originals (100 to 200 AD)
The Papyrus readings of the Receptus (150 to 400 AD)
The Uncial readings of the Receptus (Codices) (500 to 1500 AD)
The Gothic Bible of Ulfilas (310 AD)
The Latin Bible of the Waldensians (1100 to 1300 AD)
The Latin Bible of the Albigenses (1300 to 1500 AD)
The Latin Bible of the Lollards (1382 to 1550 AD)
Martin Luther’s German Bible (1522 to 1534 AD)
The Russian, French, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Bulgarian, Swiss,
Swedish, Czech, Rumanian, and Austrian Bibles that came from Luther’s
Bible (1540 to 1900 AD)
Wycliffe (1382 AD)
Tyndale (1525 AD)
Erasmus (1522 AD)
Coverdale (1535 AD)
Matthews (1537 AD)
The Receptus of (1516 AD)
Beza’s Receptus (1565 AD)
Stephanus’ Receptus (1550 AD)
Colinaeus’ Receptus (1550 AD)
Elzivirs’ Receptus (1624 AD)
The King James Authorized Bible (1611 AD)

The second way:
Lineage/collection of Corruption Scriptures
The Apocrypha (300-400 B.C.)
Philo (20 B.C. TO 50 AD)
Clement of Alexandria (150 to 215 AD)
Origen of Alexandria (184 to 245 AD)
Eusebius of Caesarea (260 to 340 AD)
(Including the mythological Septuagint LXX)
Vaticanus B (331 AD)
Sinaiticus (Codes Aleph) (331 AD)
Jerome (382 AD)
Alexandrinus (450 AD) (Codes A)
Codex Ephraem (450 AD)
Latin Vulgate (1592 AD)
Brian Walton (1657 AD)
John Mill (1707 AD)
Griesbach (1774 AD)
Carl Lachmann (1842 AD)
Tregelles (1857 AD)
Tischendorf (1870 AD)
Alford (1861 and 1872 AD)
Westcott and Hort (1881 AD)
Eberhard Nestle (1898 AD)

This collection is where ALL modern bible versions come from and this approach is called Textual Criticism, which is taught throughout modern day colleges; which in turn, those pastors/teachers/preachers teach their churches this approach. Thus, that is why many many people are confused as why this is even a problem. I can almost guarantee you if you are a any version pastor, you were taught textual criticism approach and sadly you were deceived.

Keep in mind that just because someone finds a diamond in a trash can does not mean that trash can is a jewelry store. The same concept applies to the modern bible versions. One can get saved from them and there are good parts, but it is the subtle twisting here and there that is corrupt and leading down the wrong path. Also, be willing to search this out for yourself. I can almost guarantee that defenders of any version of the bible is ok come from from this method. After reviewing this information, consider if you might have been lead astray. Chances are you have, and you didn’t realize it.

From the two collections of manuscripts above, notice the origins as to where they are from. You have two very DISTINCT places. NT is from Antioch and the other is Alexandria. The correct one is from Antioch. The corrupt one is from Alexandria (which ALL, that’s ALL modern translations come from and this method was promoted by the Catholic church…red alert!). Why is that important, you might be asking. Well, one is where Christians are first called, that is Antioch (Acts 11:26). And the other is Alexandria which is in Egypt. You know what Egypt is in the bible? Egypt is picture, a type, if you will, of the world throughout the word of God. Being a Christian, there is liberty in Christ. Being in the world, there is bondage in Egypt (the world).

Don’t you find that interesting about these origins? Do you think that is just made up? No, it is not and it is not my opinion on this matter. It is how these translations came about. It is fact.

Unfortunately, the Alexandria source teaches what is called scholarship textual criticism, which basically says they are “correcting” the bible over the years as they “find” “older” or “better” manuscripts. You know, the KJB is OLD and should not be used any more, they claim. There are “better” and we will show it. Really? And textual criticism is taught in LOTS of Christian colleges today. Just that phrase, textual criticism, should warn you of it’s danger. They are critical of the text, not translating. They choose what THEY think is best, which in many cases omit words that subtly diminish the word of God’s deity.

But what they are doing is not really correcting, they are confusing the correct methods of the correct translations of the word of God. There is always an opposite of what God intends for good. There is the right way and then there is the wrong way. Sadly, many well meaning, even people with sincere hearts, that have given in to the textual critism method in regards to the word of God. They have attended Christian colleges only to be taught that the KJB is “bad” and these textual critism ways are “good.” Don’t believe me on that? Ask a pastor that teaches any version will do if they were not, indeed, taught, the scholarship movement. Also, while you are at it, ask them if they believe that God has preserved His word for us today? It may surprise you when they say, “no we don’t have the preserved word of God today.” They try to skirt around this by saying, “we have the gist of what God means” or “the idea of what God intends is in the versions we have today” or “we have the Holy Spirit to lead us” or change the subject to say, “…what if all the bibles were burned leaving no word of God, what would you do” or “…the early Church didn’t have the word of God, but they had the Holy Spirit to lead them.” Always thinking of ways to direct the conversation to something else than answer the question whether or not do we have the word of God for us today?

The modern versions of the Bible use dynamic equivalency, also called concept inspiration in their translations. Dynamic Equivalence is not following a word for word translation but changing, adding, or subtracting from the original or copies to make it flow as the translator sees fit. We are warned against this in the Bible (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:19). The following examples which include the NIV, NASV, TEV, Living Bible, RSV, NEB NRSV, NKJV, JB And including the NWT are type of a this version.* This type approach is exactly what 2 Timothy 3:7 describes as, “Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” They are always trying to perfect the word of God not realizing the word of God is already perfected. They never are able to realize the truth of this fact.

The KJB receives the most back-handed compliments I have any heard. Many pastors say, “the KJB is a good translation…but…” or “…first I want to say the KJB is not a bad translation….but…” or “…I am not attacking the KJB….but…”

It is always “…but….” never this is the word of God.

Don’t you see it? The attack on the word of God is not a full out assault on it. No, it is the subtle methods of casting doubt on what is the true word of God. This is the SAME thing the serpent did in Genesis 3. The serpent just cast doubt on what God said. And this approach has never ceased and will not cease until the Lord Jesus Christ comes back.

Yes. Having the true word of God is important today and it is worth defending.

We either have the word of God. Or we don’t.

Don’t you see that when people say this version is better than this one, they are casting doubt that there is a translation that can be trusted. All the while, they say, “I use the KJB but I prefer [whatever] version…” which only makes them the authority on what is best. When did you become the authority on what is best?

God made the KJB the authority for us today by the methods I posted above.

We don’t live in the early Christian days, we don’t live in the OT, we live in this AGE. And we don’t need any “better” translations or “corrections” about the word of God.

In this AGE we have the word of God in the KJB. There is power in it’s authority. And if you want to use feelings, one can feel the power when someone preaches from the KJB.

Can’t you see this?

If you have 25 minutes and you really want the truth, watch this video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZs9PegP1YA

It will explain what I’m talking about in this post. It may surprise you that new versions of the bible came from manuscripts found in a garbage can. A GARBAGE CAN. That is fact. Watch the video. Not opinion.

Contrary to popular belief, KJB people are not weird. Or cultist. No. We just want the truth of how the word of God came about.

My plead to people, pastors especially, please stop trying to “correct” the KJB or think you find “errors” in the KJB. And just accept that the KJB is the WORD OF GOD. And the way it is presented in the KJB is what God wanted for us TODAY.

This could be life changing for someone reading this. If you change your mind about what I’ve presented, I will not be “I told you so” attitude because it is easy to be deceived. However, I will still proclaim the KJB authenticity.

Stay tuned for the next part of this series. Music. If this topic didn’t anger people, the next will, because music is the most psychological and emotional influencer known to man outside the very word of God.

My questions for you are:

Do we have the word of God preserved for us today?

If we don’t, what makes you think what you believe is truth?

How do you know?

Take care,

*used someone else definition to convey my point.

The Falling Away – Prelude https://truthpreaching.com/the-falling-away-prelude/ Tue, 07 May 2024 15:23:11 +0000 https://truthpreaching.com/?p=97 Watering Down The Word of God

Part I


Wouldn’t you be sorely disappointed if you found out that we don’t have a perfect and preserved word of God for us today?

Wouldn’t that make you have doubts about what is really the truth?

How would you know the truth?

If the above questions causes you to doubt, then that is exactly why there is an issue over modern day bible translations. Because, that is what this movement does, causes you to doubt, seek “other” versions that “are” better.

In regards to the opening question above, rest assured, we do have the word of God, without error and preserved for us today.

The bible says His sheep hear His voice, correct? How do we hear His voice? We hear His voice through the word of God. If we followed what modern day church pastors say and say we don’t have a preserved word of God, then how do we know we hear His voice? What makes you certain when God speaks if we don’t even have a bible that is correct?

You following your heart? The same heart that God describes as “…deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” – Jeremiah 17:9

These are thoughts and questions to ponder as you journey with me down this issue in the next part of the The Falling Away Part I Watering Down The Word of God.

This section got so big I broke it out into parts, the first part is an introduction to Watering Down The Word of God and the following post will be the lineage of the word of God. That will be in the next post.

Part of the reason there is going to be a falling away first before the day of Christ is because people build up the Christian life to be an experience to be had. We are always looking to be entertained, encouraged, what is in it for ME. And when we don’t get those things we question if it is worth serving the Lord. Then we hear great music and it peaks our interest again to serve the Lord. Then after a while when the “newness” of hearing good music wears off, we need something else to keep us going. We need to see miracles. We need to see healing. We need to hear a good preacher. The list goes on and on and on.

But what we are missing is the most important part. We just need the word of God and we need to read it everyday. The modern day church has it backwards. They place attractions first and sprinkle in the word of God. They try to attract using gimmicks hoping people will stick when in reality all those attractions are just magnifying where people’s hearts really are. And it’s not seeking after the Lord, but rather what is in it for them. What should happen is we should preach the word so that their hearts can be changed to receive. What we have are people going to church for a show…and when the pastor gets “rough” and actually preaches a message that is hard, they get offended because they attract with fluff and it doesn’t work.

The Christian life and serving the Lord should really just be something we just do on a daily basis. And most times it will “look” like there is no excitement. But in reality, a quiet peaceful life serving and honoring the Lord is what we should strive for. The peace, contentment, assurance, boldness that comes with being in the word of God is ALL we need to serve the Lord. Then once we are in the word of God, it will then be up to you to yield to His calling.

But the problem is people are too self absorbed and look for the shiny objects thinking that is the move of God. The move of God usually doesn’t happen that way. “And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” 1 Kings 19:11-12

A still small voice was where the Lord was.

It is in quietness that we are to be still and know God. Our service for the Lord should just be something we do day in day out without much of a hoopla. Sorry, but it might appear boring. But I can assure you that this boring comes with a peace that passeth all understanding. And I would take this above all the fluff that is presented from the modern day churches today.

The main reason that people in the church are dazed and confused about things and could fall away are because pastors/teachers/preachers have watered down the word of God.

These pastors have made it well-known that it doesn’t matter what version of the bible you read, it doesn’t matter they are always saying. This has lead to people, really not their fault, to not place an importance on the word of God.

They don’t view the word of God as the most important aspect in the Christian life. Why should then when their pastors tell them we don’t have a preserved word of God for us today. How do you expect your people to read the word of God when there is no authoritative bible. How do you know which is right? They think, well, the pastor says it doesn’t matter, then, it doesn’t matter, right? Pastors, you should be ashamed of yourselves. These pastors really don’t have any leg to stand on when they get upset at their people for not growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ when you are part of that problem.

Proclaim the word of God is the word of God. Not that the bibles “contain the gist of the idea what God wanted us to know.” But that the word of God is PRESERVED and it is the WORD OF GOD in the KJB.

If you can’t answer that a certain bible is the preserved word of God, then WHAT IS THE WORD OF GOD? What are we to trust? How do we KNOW it is God who is speaking? How do we compare what we think with? Because according to modern day pastors, there is NO perfect bible.


Pastor, is your God that small that He didn’t preserve the word He would have for us today?

And similar to what God told Moses to say to Pharaoh and that was to “…Let my people go…”


Tell them there IS the word of God for us today!

I hope that each person reading this message will search out why this topic is vital for our lives. It is important to know that what you’ve been taught might have been wrong. The modern day churches have done a real good job of confusing it’s members by pushing every known version of the bible they can. They proclaim that it doesn’t matter, that as long as “you read it, study it, and obey it, it really doesn’t matter.” I don’t want to accuse you of being dense, but do you REALLY think any version of the bible is OK? Have you actually read what is considered the bible in some translations? Do you really think that it doesn’t matter which one to use? That it is not at all possible we have been duped? Really?

Would you hold your bible version you read in high regard if it came from a garbage can? If you knew that what you read were translated on what was found in a trash can, would you hold that version in high regard?

Would you continue to read it?

Buckle up, because you will soon find out that you could very possibly be reading from a version of the bible that came from manuscripts that were pulled out from a LITERAL TRASH CAN to be used to translate because they thought they were the best because they were “older.” There is a video in the next post (25 minutes) that talks about the garbage can (stay tuned for that).

Or would you continue to read a version of the bible that was collated with thousands of manuscripts from a lineage that made sure it was translated and preserved correctly by actual Christians and not from a lineage that has actual known heretics changing the wording or leaving out words?

I hope you would choose the second. And I will show you with actual facts that the KJB came about in one method and ALL the modern bibles came from another lineage that has tricked masses into believing this is the correct way.

This is why the lineage of the manuscripts is VITAL. Modern day pastors deceitfully say the KJV bible is the 66th version that has had over 100,000 revisions to make it sound like it just like the new modern day bible translations with all their revisions.

At face value one would think, hmmm, the KJB has a lot of revisions it seems. But what they don’t go on to tell you is the lineage that the KJB came from. See how deceitful that is when they try to say the KJB is “just” a version, 66th version, with revisions over 100,000. Yes. It is a version. But here is the MAIN point, it is in the correct lineage and it is the word of God for us today.

This post is not about the number of revisions but about the LINEAGE that the bibles are from.

My point of emphasis in this part of the series is to show you why it’s the lineage of how it came about and why it is important that we honor this bible.

If nothing else, I ask you to ask yourself, Why does ALL modern bible versions come from one lineage and the KJB come from another? Do you think the KJB is wrong? Does all the fruit that can be attributed to KJB throughout the centuries with some of the most moving revivals this world has ever seen not count for something?

Or is that the very reason that the KJB has been pushed aside by the modern day churches because it did produce that fruit and there was power in preaching from it. How else would you explain why ALL modern bibles come from the opposite side of the lineage.

Maybe they are really against the KJB. Instead of out right saying the KJB is not to be used. The modern day churches/pastors say, “…it is a good translation…but not the best” or “…I read from the KJB but prefer [whatever] other version….” They can’t say it’s just bad out right, can they? That would be too obvious.

Modern day church pastors think that KJB people cause divisions. And they say KJB people say, that God won’t love you if you don’t read from a KJB. That someone can’t be saved from any other version. NONE of that is true. We focus on it because it is from the CORRECT lineage and it IS the word of God for us today. And it does not need to be changed or updated. As it was once said, “stop re-writing it and start re-reading it.” They say we focus too much on the KJB. My response is have you ever thought that you NOT focusing on this issue is why the modern day churches are falling away?

Are we, the church, closer to God now or are people more confused today more than they have been in years?

Why is that? Could it possibility be our further decline to not honor the word of God and how it was preserved?

If we don’t focus on defending the word of God, the word of God with the corrupted future versions continue to confuse and cause people to not grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s been said by modern day church pastor, that if ever bible was gone does His word still remain? That is strawman argument 101, because we live in this AGE and we do have the word of God for us now. This is not about hypotheticals. This is about reality. What is now. And that we do have the word of God for us today!

Through intellect and smooth talking pastors, the scholarship movement of this textual criticism has convinced multitudes that it doesn’t matter which bible to use. When in reality, it does and I’ll show you in the next post.

Just as the bible makes it a point to make known the lineage of Jesus Christ, especially in Revelation 5:5, when it specifically mentions that Jesus Christ, the Root of David. Why is that important? Because the only person worthy to not only open the book, but to look on the book had to be the proper person and from the right lineage.

That was the Lord Jesus Christ.


Take care,

The Falling Away – Intro https://truthpreaching.com/the-falling-away-intro/ Tue, 07 May 2024 15:22:39 +0000 https://truthpreaching.com/?p=100 Over the next few posts I will preach on a few things that the modern day church has caused and hopefully one of these will wake you from your euphoria experiences of being led down the wrong path.

I’d like to bring up something that is for some reason overlooked and that is at what point did the “falling away” start happening? And who is part of this falling away?

I believe we are living in a time that the attacks are more of a psychological war on the mind. And I believe 2 Thessalonians 2:2 backs that up when it reads, “That ye be not soon shaken in mind….”

Coincidentally this passage is about the day of Christ. The rapture as some like to define it.

It’s interesting that the first words spoken to guard against is to not be “shaken in mind.”

It doesn’t take much of an effort to look around and see how we are attacked through lies and how those affect our mental state. It’s a constant battle of processing information and trying to determine who is right and who is telling the truth. An ongoing battle for the mind.

However, notice what has to happen before that day of Christ comes and that is there come a “falling away first.” I don’t believe many churches focus on this part too much, probably because they assume they are not part of the falling away. What does is mean to fall away? In 2 Timothy 4:2-4 we can see what we (the church) should be doing and what is going to happen. In verse 2 we are to “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.”

We are to preach the word. Not sing the word. Preach. The. Word. But we are to do so with “all long suffering” and one that is skipped a lot “doctrine.” We are to give grace when we preach. But we are to preach doctrine because it is doctrine that we do not err.

Where do we get this doctrine? From the word of God. Not some feeling. Not some experience. Not something we make up in our mind thinking it’s the Holy Spirit leading us. It is from the word of God (by which the Holy Spirit can lead you in that).

Speaking of spirits, did you know that in the “latter times” people will depart from the faith (which is another form of falling away) and give heed to “seducing spirits?” Let me ask you, where are those seducing spirits coming from? How are they getting in? Maybe most importantly, WHO is receiving these seducing spirits? I can help address this, but, forewarn, there will be a LOT of people that view me as legalistic and “stuck in the traditions of men.” When in reality, if I were a betting man, I would wager I am one of the most grace given preachers there is. I preach that we are so free in Christ, have so much liberty in Christ that the apostle Paul instructs us to not to use this as “liberty for an occasion to the flesh…” Read Galatians 5:13 and that will prove that point. But the church has let these other spirits in and we are seeing effects in the modern day churches. All fluff, no substance. Stay tuned for that part of this series of the “The Falling Away.”

Part of the falling away of the church is found in verses 3-4 when it says, “….they will not endure sound doctrine…And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.” One of the ways the modern day churches are falling away is the methods they are using to “attract” people. Let’s set up carnivals, put on rock concerts, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll just sprinkle in the word of God or at least tell them that whatever they are reading is A-O-KAY. We wouldn’t want to offend. We want to love.

Then, as weeks go by and they realize their people are NOT growing in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, they become frustrated. Why? One reason is these approaches are FLUFF. There is no substance and it’s aim is to appease the flesh. Sure, they sound cool, but when is the church going to realize we can’t use worldly methods to share what God has for us in the bible. What happened to just lift up the Lord Jesus Christ. The power of God is in the PREACHING of the cross. The power of God is from His word. The power of God is the gospel of Christ.

One of the reasons there is no power of God is because the church doesn’t even understand what the gospel of Christ is today. The gospel of Christ is found in 1 Cor. 15:1-4,

“Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;

2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:”

Don’t believe me? Ask someone what is the gospel and see what response you get. The gospel of Christ is that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day.

I’ll break this series out into parts. The modern day church is to blame for causing a falling away with two main things.

1. Watering down the word of God. “It doesn’t matter what version, just as long as you read, study, and obey it. That’s all that matters.” – said by lots of modern day “pastors”

– This will be backed up with proof.

2. Introducing worldly music into the churches.

– There were people in the late 1980s and early 90s that tried to warn the modern day churches about this, but most thought they were too extreme. But after 35 years of this occurring and with people being more open to at least entertain the thought that there is something spiritual going on in this world they are more willing to give this view a consideration now. For this topic, I’ll mostly provide hours of a video series that a pastor created that proves that new ageism/occult/mysticism has entered the church realm. And it has been welcomed with open arms because it has been called in because it’s came through the music.

I’ll start with the word of God lineage in my next post, but these two main points should help anger (I mean interest) some to read what I’m about to preach.

I realize there will be some that bypass what I will say. Some will be angered. Some will consider it. But, lay aside the sin that hinders us all, which is pride, and at least think about if these two points are truth or not.

My mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. And part of me doing that is to clear the path so that you can hear that message without these doubts about the word of God and distractions that music brings with it.

Take care,

Rightly Dividing https://truthpreaching.com/rightly-dividing/ Mon, 22 May 2023 18:43:00 +0000 https://truthpreaching.com/?p=83 Lots of my post on here are about an emphasis on rightly dividing the word of truth. The reason is simple. If the word of God is not rightly divided then people believe and teach heresy. And if the word of God is not rightly divided then the bible would seem to be contradicting itself. It doesn’t. If rightly divided.

If one does not rightly divide the word of truth, it will lead you to error. That is how many churches operate. They take verses (out of context) and try to apply it to them or their beliefs. And by them doing so, they twisted the scriptures and try make it apply to them when in reality it doesn’t apply to them.

Let me give you a couple examples.

Take Mark 16:16 and Mark 16:17-18.

You have one church denomination that loves to use Mark 16:16 where it says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned” to “prove” that baptism is required for salvation (it’s not) but they ignore the following verses in Mark 16:17-18 that reads, “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

For some reason this particular church says that Mark 16:17-18 doesn’t apply to us now. That the signs do not follow us, but verse 16 does. This is not what rightly dividing the word of God means. You don’t say the the verses after the other verse doesn’t apply. This is just picking and choosing verses to “fit” your beliefs.

Now, you have another church denomination that believes Mark 16:17-18 does apply to us now.

What if I told you, that both church denominations are not rightly dividing the word of God. Jesus was addressing his disciples(and for the Jews) here in Mark 16:16-18.

Thus, these are two examples of how easy it is to subtly twist the scriptures to make it sound like it does apply to us now, in this age.

Let’s go to Matthew 5 for a more extreme example of rightly dividing the word of truth.

Has anyone ever looked lustfully? If so, then according to Jesus Christ you committed adultery with them in your heart.

Has anyone plucked out their eye because of that? Why not, that is what Jesus Christ, Himself, says to do if you have, unless you want to go to hell. “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.” (Matthew 5:28-29)

Well, the good news is those verses are not doctrinally applied to us. However, we can spiritually apply this principle. But to physically pluck your eye out is not what is for YOU now. Some say, well, we know that should not be taken literally. Well, if you take Mark 16:17 literally (about “..signs shall follow them that believe..”), you must take Matthew 5:29 literally. But, both are not for us today, as is easily studied and rightly divided by the word of truth.

How do I know this?

It is because I am rightly dividing the word of truth.

What does rightly dividing the word of truth mean? It is knowing the context about what is said and who it is for. God told Noah to build an ark, not you. We know that was for him only. That is an overly easy example but it is to prove a point of rightly dividing the bible. The same rightly dividing should be applied throughout the bible. Just because Jesus Christ says something doesn’t mean it applies to YOU, doctrinally.

That is why I preach, yell, hollar, shout, or whatever, to tell others to rightly divide or you will be in a mess doctrinally when dealing with the scriptures. It will lead you to working your way to heaven and being overly emotional, tossed to and fro about every wind of doctrine, no assurance of your salvation, and just stagnant in your growth as a Christian. If you find yourself always focusing on your needs/wants, then it’s possible the wrong focus is taking place.

Lots of Christian colleges have deceived their students (and in turn pastors/teachers/etc have their congregations) to get them to focus on not rightly dividing the bible. Instead, they taught them to try correct the bible and they have not realized they themselves have been deceived. By the way, how can one say it is not the “correct” bible or how can one “correct” a bible if that person does not have one correct bible to compare it to? They can’t. Why? Because that would make THEM the authority on what’s right. When did they become the authority? That the very scriptures they use thinking they are correcting are from a corrupt lineage. Stay tune for that post. It is a fact and there have been LOTS of people deceived. Don’t think you have been deceived? I wouldn’t think that.

And for many of these reasons, that is why I believe deception should be a concerning thing for the churches because seducing spirits and doctrines of devils is in the churches now more than ever.

Which is exactly what the bible says about the latter times. In 1 Timothy 4:1, the bible reads, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”

If you ask me, that is a MAJOR concern to look for.

Is that your church?

How would I know what to look for, you might ask?

Read and study the bible.

The correct bible. Don’t let someone make you think there is not a preserved word of God.

If someone is always casting doubt about the preserved word of God, I would run from them. They are self-professed bible correctors.

I wouldn’t won’t to be a bible corrector. I would say that would make them know more than God.

There is a pure and preserved word of God and it’s foundation is based on the solid Rock.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Which ironically the word “Study” in 2 Timothy 2:15 is not in many of the “newer” versions of the bible. Why? Because if one where to study they would understand the bible better. You think that is coincidental about the removal of that word? I think not.

Take care,

History Will Repeat Itself https://truthpreaching.com/history-will-repeat-itself/ Wed, 10 May 2023 14:16:58 +0000 https://truthpreaching.com/?p=77 Take a look around and see what has happened over the past three years. Can you see how dire the situation is becoming?

The Lord has brought a couple thoughts to my mind to warn people and nations of their fate in the current trending ways.

God is going to allow the United States to get what it is pushing for. And that is to do as it pleases without God in its thoughts. And sadly it’s our own faults because we have sit back and let it infiltrate our land. Granted some of it has be subtle. But when our sports, music, and me-time is involved, we like to sit back and not cause to much of a “stir” because that would hit to close to home for us.

If you want to read something that is chilling, read Isaiah 3 and you can see what happens when this type of thinking occurs.

If Isaiah 3 does not parallel with our current worldly situation, then I hope you come to the knowledge of the truth.

Here are a few things from that chapter. Ask yourself, is that not what is happening now?

  • “And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.” (Isaiah 3:4)
    Ask yourself why there is such a push to have children be the authority (think global climate girl).
  • “And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.” (Isaiah 3:5)
    Ask yourself has there every been a time that a child (I’m not necessarily talking about little ones, but older ages up through 20s) have behaved so boastfully (think professional sports games, taunting, boasting, proud).
  • “The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they [hide it not] (emphasis added). Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.” (Isaiah 3:9)
    Ask yourself, is not this the case that the sin that was occuring during Sodom not also wildly prevalent today. And they are not shameful for this behaviour? (think everyday news media proganda).
  • “Moreover the LORD saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:” (Isaiah 3:16)
    Ask yourself, has there ever been so much arrogance amongst people that walk around with stretched forth necks (think the USA soccer woman).
  • “As for my people, children are their oppressors, and [women rule over them] (emphasis added). O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.” (Isaiah 3:12)
    Ask yourself, why is there such a push to have more women rights. The woman is looking for rule. Why, when this is not bibical. (think how news media/etc. push this everyday, and even some churches).

It is interesting to note that in verse 18 of Isaiah 3, that the Lord will take away a list of items. And amongst that list include, tablets and nose jewels. It is interesting that tablets could possibility be referred to as modern day IPad, PC tablets, devices, etc. That is something to consider. Also, it is very interesting that the words “nose jewels” are spoken of during that time. Now, ask yourself, what is more prevalent today than the past 50 years. It is people having nose rings. I’ll let you do your own study about that connection. But the point is how the United States (and other nations) are paralleling with the process of the days spoken of in Isaiah 3.

Now, be honest with yourself and ask if the above list of items are not, indeed, happening today?

Read the rest of Isaiah 3 and you will see exactly what happens to the United States. God will let us be our own destruction.

But there is hope for you individually.

What is that hope, you might ask.

Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ. The gospel is that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. (1 Cor. 15:1-4)

What better time than this week to believe the gospel to be saved?

Take care,
