Grace – Truth Preaching “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Tue, 07 May 2024 15:51:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214906537 The Dispensation of the Grace of God Tue, 07 May 2024 15:27:01 +0000 After a couple rather sharp rebukes of the modern day church, the below is to show you how wonderful we have it in Christ. We don’t need clown shows. All we need is lifting up the Lord Jesus Christ and He will draw people to Him. He has done everything necessary for us to be saved. But we are too distracted, especially with how modern day churches try to “attract” people. This is your reminder that we currently live under this depensation, which is the age of the grace of God.

What does that mean?

It means that now, this current age, salvation is a FREE GIFT to whosoever will can be saved.

Don’t let certain church groups pull you back under the law.

If ANYTHING is added to the finish work of Jesus Christ, it is a work. Doing good? Work. Getting baptized? Work. Feeding the poor? Work. Going to church? Work. Stopping sinning? Work.

Salvation is DONE.

Works salvation is doing.

Don’t miss heaven because you do, because you can’t do enough.

Stop trying to make your way to heaven. You can’t make it on your own. You will fail. Even your best day. You. Will. Fail.

The one thing that arises in the hearts of man when the grace of God through Jesus Christ is preached is pride. Man cannot stand they play NO part in their salvation.

Does something in your mind pop up when you think about your salvation? Are you relying on something you do or don’t do that determines your salvation? Are you trusting in something you did? Or are you trusting in what Jesus Christ has already done for you?

It sounds simple, but I would venture to say lots of people think of something they do or don’t do that will surely mean they are saved. That’s why trying to “find” evidences of salvation in someone are useless. It’s too easy to hide bad and too easy to put on fronts for good things.

Salvation is not something you do or don’t do.

It is a free gift.

Jesus Christ paid your sin debt in FULL.

Why don’t you place your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ in that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again the third day.

All you have to do is to receive this free gift.

I heard the gospel many times over the years until one day I actually received it.

Maybe today is that day for you.

Take care,
