A Reproving Rebuke

In regards to our world and who operates it.

“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”

The bible has much to say about Satan deceiving. Satan is currently the god of this world. (2 Cor. 4:4) He deceives…..and he is currently deceiving.

The thing about deception is you don’t know you are being deceived.

“The Matrix” was not a movie. It was a symbolic documentary about how things really are versus how things are perceived.

In a lot of ways, the “world” is more “spiritual” than people that claim to be Christians.

This world shows us who they are over and over, but we just brush it off and say it’s only a movie. It’s only a song. It’s only a book. All the while using things in these movies, songs, books, etc. as an agenda that the bible clearly speaks against to attack us; thus, making the world more spiritually discerned in that aspect.

Speaking of books, when was the last time you visited a book store like Books-A-Million? The last time I went there where books about witchcraft, spiritual darkness, casting spells, and loads of others. And you know where these books were positioned? About two feet from the floor throughout the store. That’s right, easily accessible to children.

Why is this happening? To raise the next generation without God. Because at the rate we are headed, there will be a generation that these types of things are “normal.” This will be how they think.

This world is pushing the envelope on what it can get away with and one of the reason’s it’s succeeding is because WE, adults, have let this stuff right in our homes.

Through TV. Through music. Through books.

There is an agenda. But Christians are too, for lack of a better word, lazy to do anything about it.

Sure, we get outraged when we hear of these things. But NOTHING happens.

Why does nothing happen?

Because Christians have become too passive.

Adult Christians, we really don’t have a leg to stand on when we say that the younger generation are entitled when we are just as bad. Adults just do it in a different method. We say, “I want my entertainment. I want my sports. I want my fishing. I want my hunting. I want my life of indulgence.”

And really, all these are are big distractions designed to keep you unfocused while the souls of children are being taken captive.

But, I will say this. Some the problem is outside our control. The foods that we eat today are NOTHING like 30 years ago. The chemicals in them are designed to make us sluggish and not active. We are at great disadvantage in this regard. Just observe how people behave these days than the days gone by.

I am afraid we have fallen asleep; thus, it is precisely why 1 Cor. 15:34 instructs us to, “Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.”

We are asleep and we are sinning.

Oh, it might not be a “big” sin. But, did you know that, “the thought of foolishness is sin….” Proverbs 24:9 (those that don’t believe in once saved always saved, explain that one. How do you justify your foolish thinking?) You don’t. You confess it and press forward. But you don’t lose your salvation (now, now those that believe you can lose your salvation, you can’t be picking and choosing which sin loses your salvation; because when you sin, you are guilty of ALL (“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” James 2:10).

And sadly, the modern day church is to blame for much of our downward trajectory. All lots of people look for today in churches is what’s in it for them? How can I be entertained. Do they have music that fits my tastes? I like this version of the bible because it’s easier for ME to understand (never mind, the missing text, as long as you are comfortable and “feeling it” during “praise and worship” is all that matters).

Throw in a few bible verses that “uplift” you (which are taken out of context most times) and you are having church. At least in this modern day.

We, the church, have a problem.

So, what do we do?

We turn to the only thing that can be trusted.

There is only one thing that can be trusted. And that is Jesus Christ. But how do we know who Jesus Christ is? From His Word. It is the word of God (KJB) that we know the truth.

If God’s word is the ONLY thing that can be trusted then would it not make sense that it would be targeted the most to discount it?

Yes, of course. God’s word was questioned in Genesis and it is still questioned today. The first time it was questioned makes some sense, it was by Satan. Today it is questioned by the Church, Christians. Wow, we have come a long ways. We have come from being outright deceived to deceiving ourselves with our “higher learning.” But for some reason, many modern day Christians cannot see this.

It’s no accident that God’s word is “questioned” (mostly by Christian Colleges and their Modern Day Scholarship Movement, which is by designed to teach church leaders to question the preserved word of God).

God can do “ANYTHING, but I’m not sure He can preserve His word,” some say. Sounds to me like they don’t believe the word of God. “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” Psalms 12:6-7 – God’s word is preserved for EVER.

Ask yourself, do you believe God’s word is without error, perfect and preserved word of God in the bible you use?

If not, why do you trust it?

Take care,