
There is much confusion as to what repent means.

Lots of people do not use the word repent in context in the different parts of the bible and I keep wondering why.

To repent is NOT stopping your sinning.

I know, you probably have heard “repent of your sins” all your life. But what if I told you that the phrase “repent of your sins” is not even in the bible? Because it’s not. Sure, Jesus Christ says, “Repent ye, and believe the gospel” but that does not say “repent of your sins.” At some point “of your sins” has been added. I wonder why? Interesting.

One reason that repent does not mean “repent of your sins” is because God repented.

In fact, God repented or doesn’t repent much throughout the bible. (Exodus 32:14, Jonah 3:10, Romans 11:29, etc.)

Now, I know why most don’t understand the word is because modern day bible versions take out that word. Why would they do this? To keep you from understanding the word repent is one reason.

Did you know that “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance?” (Romans 11:29, but repentance is replaced with “irrevocable” in LOTS of modern day translations, I wonder why)

What does “the gifts and calling of God are without repentance” mean? It means that when God gives someone a gift or a calling, He does not CHANGE HIS MIND.

So, the word repent is in most biblical context a “change of the mind.” That’s it.

It’s not stopping sinning. Or to be truly sorry for something. Why is it important to understand the word repentance? Because it can lead people astray by making them think they have to “stop sinning” in order to be saved. It subtly adds works to the salvation equation. Salvation is what Christ did and not your stopping your sin, else, it would be believe on the Lord Jesus Christ PLUS you stopping sinning. That is why people need to understand things they’ve heard their entire life might not even be in the bible. This is why it’s vital to have one authority in scripture we use today. So that there are no misundertandings about these types of things. Some like to throw out the word it’s all semantics. I like to throw out the word, it’s truth.

If repent were “stopping sinning” then why did God repent? Modern day scholars will say, “well, what does the Hebrew say that word is in the bible in Exodus” or “in Greek, it means” and then try to point out it’s “true” meaning. No. No. No. Have you ever wondered why the word “repented or repentance” have been removed from LOTS of modern day bible versions? Or why one of the ONLY bibles that does not remove the word repent or repentance is the King James Bible? Maybe it’s to keep people confused or if not confused, really unsure of it’s meaning.

I guess the KJB has had it wrong this entire time. I mean, over 400 years of proven revivals, countless powerful messages preached from it doesn’t really mean much, right modern day scholars? You scholars know better and how those words should be translated.

When is man going to wake up and take the approach they like to take and question, which is textual criticism, why modern day bibles all change words like repentance from what’s in the KJB? I’ve given much information about the sources of how the KJB and modern day translations have came (see numerous past post), I hope you see that there is something very very serious that’s been happening over the years and it’s caused a mess doctrinally speaking in the “Churches” today. We, the Churches, are not in the mess today because not standing of the word of God, it’s because we have allowed the world to infiltrate our churches with it’s influences and the translations of the modern day bible are no different. Study the sources of the manuscripts and you too will see it.

I’m sorry, but there has been a great deception and most don’t even realize words like study, repentance, and much much more have been removed from their modern day bible versions because people just don’t know. How would they? When the modern day movements keep pushing this version or that version. “I use this version, but prefer this version” is the stand lots of people take. And that is precisely why we have a problem and it is the authority of the scriptures. Modern day scholars, does the preserved word of God exist TODAY? I can answer that for them, they will say, “no.” My question is why can we trust any bible then?

In lots of people’s mind they don’t just take God at His word, or they wouldn’t find a “better” translation of the bible when we have what God wants for us today in the King James bible.

What is your authority? Or do you even have an authority? Don’t give me “the word is written upon our hearts” line either. Because, our hearts are also “deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…”

Does the word of God exist today, in a perfect, inspired, preserved word? If you can’t answer that, why can’t you?

The Church lacks sound doctrine and it goes by it’s feelings most the times now. People think they are worshipping the Lord because “they cried,” “they were hugged,” or “they felt loved.”

Those are great. But are you sure it’s from the right spirit? Because, if you are not aware, there are different spirits that can mimic those types of things.

Don’t go by what you think or feel. Or even experience.

Go by what the word of God says. It’s the only thing that is forever settled in heaven. “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” Psalm 119:89

Take care,