Is Lineage Important?

What is lineage? Lineage “is lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.”

In Matthew Chapter 1, we see the lineage of Jesus Christ and how important that is. The order and how it is presented points to Jesus Christ. Remember, Revelation 5:5, “And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.”

So, the lineage of Jesus Christ is VERY important because it points to the ONLY one worthy to open the book and to loose the seven seals. The “…the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David…”.

Hallelujah! what a Saviour! The only One worthy!

I believe all can agree that lineage is VERY important especially with Jesus Christ. And I hope all that are in disagreement (both on Facebook and people referenced (even indirectly) in my posts) see my posts so they can decide if they too really believe what they say. Perhaps people that believe in any versions of the bible will do are holding to the traditions of men like some say about KJB people. Perhaps, it’s your view of the word of God and it’s many versions that were taught by the traditions of men and what they say. Not how the word was preserved through it’s proper lineage.

If you watched the video I posted (all of it), you see how the lineage of the KJB came about. Isn’t it strange that ALL new English versions come from one lineage and the KJB comes from another lineage. ALL of the newer versions do and KJB is the only one from another lineage. Lineage is important.

I hope what I have said over the past week (if you have not read those, I encourage you to read those posts) causes you to search for the truth. I was saved in 1999 and spent years up and down in my Christian life. I didn’t have a grasp on what I believed. I was tossed to and fro because of my doubts. I didn’t have abiding peace. Anyone ever been there? It’s not a fun place to be. But it wasn’t until around the end of 2015 that I began a search for the truth in a way like no other and to understand why I believe what I believe. I wanted the truth. And God has led me to truth. God physically moved my family to an area and the church I currently attend, I googled. I didn’t know where to go to church but I wanted a church that taught the word of God. It was completely by faith now that I look back on it. The church I’m at now, I have grown more in the Lord than any other time in my entire life as a Christian. That’s not a put down on the other churches I have attended. Those each play a very important part in my life and I hold them close to my heart, especially Calvary Bible Church, where I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. The peace that is deep down in the depths of my soul cannot be explained. I believe being taught the truth and staying in the word of God is the reason for it. Sometimes it really is joy unspeakable. The assurance and confidence that I have does not come from me (my flesh), it is from the Lord. He has provided a strong confidence and with that is peace that passes all understanding. I didn’t get this “high” from music or some other means. Contrary to how some think I may worship the Lord with my lack of emotions or my high emotions, I would not trade a second of the peace that I have in my soul for a 3-minute music “high.” No, God has supplied this peace through His precious word. And I am so thankful that He is a God that shows us truth even when I wanted to reject it and run. He still gives us truth if we are searching for it. God is a God of grace and mercy. Having the correct sound doctrine is vital to rightly divide the word of truth. Why am I so keen for the word of God and it being rightly divided because it keeps error away and prevents the faith of some not to be overthrown (2 Timothy 2:18).

If you are reading this and would like to know the only way to be saved, believe on the gospel of Christ which is that Jesus Christ died for your sin, was buried, and rose again the third day. But you have to believe it for yourself. You have to receive it. Don’t base it on anything else than believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Then read the word of God to grow. Amen.

The “…word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword….”

That means the word of God is alive, it will cut you with the truth. It will show you truth.

Praise be to my Lord Jesus Christ, forever! Amen!

To God be the glory.

Take care,



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